KPOV Board of Directors

KPOV Board of Directors meetings are open to the public. They are generally held on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30pm. Please contact one of the board members or the Station Manager to confirm the date and time of the next meeting, if you’d like to attend.

Are you interested in serving on KPOV’s Board of Directors?

Board members serve 3 year terms. For more information, please download the Board Application, Board Job Description and Board Member Commitment documents. You may also contact any current board member below with questions.

Jim Burns

Jim has been in the workforce for more than forty years, predominantly in sales and management in customer facing positions and team development. With that experience he’s been able to join several local organizations doing volunteer work for them when possible, most recently with Bend Pride.

Joining KPOV has given Jim the opportunity to share his love of music, meet some of the finest people he knows, and now to give back to this great community resource, KPOV. Jim is also the host of Guitar Showcase on KPOV.

keanna tester

Keanna has six years of experience in retail, customer service, social media and website design/management, eight years of formal dance training as well as experience as a field trip guide for school children. She has a degree in and a passion for art history/art practices and skills in research-based and creative writing. She is currently also volunteering at KPOV radio as a morning coordinator.

Preet Chopra

Preet has been listening to radio since grade school (when he would make mix tapes with his sister) and began supporting community radio in the late 90’s after discovering KCRW Santa Monica. He has enjoyed KPOV programming and events since moving to Bend in 2009 with his (then) young family. He has been volunteering at KPOV since 2022 and hosts folkdelica. He feels a strong commitment to community radio and super optimistic about KPOV’s modernization. Preet joined the board after some conversations about diversity and contributing a broad vision of inclusivity that he feels is so important to KPOV as a community voice.

Stacy Koff

Stacy has been with KPOV since its inception in 2005. She was on the board of directors for several years before a hiatus and is now back on the board to help KPOV realize its mission, grow its brand and create a musical journey for all! She is the founder and visionary behind the 4 Peaks Music Festival (June) and the Cascade Equinox (September), bringing intimate, world-class music and arts festivals to Central Oregon. She is driven by her desire to cultivate a community of musicians, attendees, partners, artists, and most of all, her love for music. Stacy is the host of Live Alive on Thursdays from 2-4pm and you can find her at most live music around town.

Adam Braham

Adam Braham has been a member of KPOV since 2021, serving as a DJ and volunteering in various capacities including producer, designer, operations, and audio architecture. His extensive involvement has been crucial to the station's operational and technical enhancements. Adam brings a rich background in marketing, event production, consulting, technical systems, and business management to his roles. His commitment to KPOV's mission and the community is evident as he continually seeks to expand his creativity and integrity through his diverse career experiences. He now sits on the board of directors as a key member, significantly influencing its structure, oversight, and functionality.